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The Franchise Opportunity. Part 3 of 5: Marketing Systems

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

Part 1 of this series focused on fees associated with franchise ownership. Part 2 focused on operating and training systems and their importance to business success. Part 3 will focus on the importance of a system for marketing the business and growing the brand.

A great product or service and a well-trained team that consistently deploys the systems of the franchise are three critical components of a successful business. As previously discussed, no one pays for an average product. Therefore, the product, the team, and the systems by which the team delivers the product must be well thought and well designed so that the customer experience and result is exceptional.

A great product and a well-trained team will not make a business successful if the systems for delivering the product are poorly designed. A well-trained team in a bad system is like trying to climb a mountain covered with ice in ballet slippers. You’ll exert a lot of energy as you try to get to the top but make little progress due to the system you use to gain traction.

However, if the dance between the product demanded, the training provided, and the operational systems put in place have been proven to work in various situations, all you need is customers to deliver a quality experience and product. This is where marketing becomes the next critical component for business success.

Marketing is so much more than a website, social media presence, and paid search engine campaigns. It is much more than launching promotions and discounts every time you want to inject revenue into the business. Marketing is about building a brand. It is about creating an outward facing image for the world to see that is reflective of what they can expect to receive should they choose to engage. It serves as a reminder of who you are to those who know you and an indication of what those who don’t know you can expect should they choose to get to know you.

To that point, think of marketing as your business’s outward facing image, voice, personality, and promoter of your reputation. Images, colors, fonts, content, and promotions create a perception about the brand to the receiver of the message. Is the brand sexy, stylish, innovative, practical, frugal, transactional, relationship oriented, whimsical, fun, or serious? Whatever the brand chooses to be should be reflected in the marketing. Brand image and the brand voice as communicated in the content exert a certain kind of energy. Does that energy match the brand?

It is important to remember that everything a business does leaves an impression. Impression is not limited only to those times when someone chooses to visit the business. Your marketing efforts tell the prospective client who you are. If who you are matches the personality and desires of the targeted audience, a connection is made. If not, there is a disconnect and you have little chance of luring the prospective customer into the business.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you pay close attention to the marketing of the franchisor. They are going to drive the image, voice, and perception about the brand to you customer. What may have worked in the proof-of-concept market for the franchisor when they built out the business may not play well in all markets across the country or globe. They must also be capable of growing their marketing sophistication with the growing sophistication of the brand. More locations in more places usually results in more exposure.

More exposure leads to more consumers comparing brands and sharing those comparisons. The comparison between actual experience and what is put forth through marketing must match. Otherwise, confusion will be created. The customer will question whether who you say you are and who you market yourself to be are one in the same. This can be especially problematic if the franchisor does not establish proper control over franchise location marketing.

Below are some questions and thoughts to keep in mind as you look at investing in a franchise brand.

Marketing and Advertising

Does the franchisor have a strategic marketing and advertising plan for the brand? Is it more of the same or based on a vision for a greater future? Is there a plan for existing locations and a separate plan for new franchise locations? Does the franchisor have the personnel to support the plan? What is their experience? Are they visionary? Do they understand the brand? Do they know the customer? Do the metrics prove out that their ongoing efforts are successful? Does the brand voice and image support the in-location experience? Does the website make you want to learn more and engage the brand?

How successful has the new location marketing plan been? Do the ramp up numbers (financials) for new locations validate that the plan works? What support do new locations receive from the franchisor when it comes to marketing their new franchise location? Are there readily available marketing materials to use for marketing a new location? Are print materials (flyers, table skirt, banners, etc.) easily accessible and readily available from a reliable vendor(s)? Are vendor partners credible and have they been proven to get the type of results you will need to drive customer acquisition?

How is engagement on social media? How do franchise locations handle social media? How does the franchisor ensure that location marketing is in alignment with franchisor marketing? Does individual location marketing align across the system? Does individual location marketing align to the franchisor’s vision? What is the franchisor’s expectation for franchisee marketing spend? How does the franchisor deploy marketing dollars across the system? Is this documented? Is there a budget to support the plan? Is it aligned to franchisee goals?

What do the advertisements and promotions tell you about the brand? Are they in alignment with the brand image? Do they drive the type of customer you need to be profitable? Are they in alignment with your views about how to market and advertise a business?

Keep Your Eyes Open

Marketing is one of those areas of business that can feel like a drain on cashflow but is at the same time critical to the long-term success of a business. It can be hard to measure its effectiveness. However, if you turn it off, you’ll see that it has an effect. The key is to market and advertise wisely and consistently. Make sure everything you put in front of your prospective customer is a great, not good, representation of the brand and that it communicates exactly what you want them to see, hear, and feel. Unfortunately, a franchisee can only control so much. That is why you must align with the franchisor’s marketing vision for the brand. Otherwise, you will find yourself frustrated and feeling as if you are always leaving something on the table or never truly reaching your full potential.

Up Next Part 4 of 5: The Business Model

Randy Stepp is a Principal with Renaissance Leadership Group. RLG is a full-service medical practice and business development firm committed to helping owners achieve long-lasting success and sustainability.

Visit Renaissance Leadership Group at to learn more.


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