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Know Your People. Know Success.

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

Success in business is as much about who as it is about what.
People Are Key To Business Success

Researchers tell us that many of our employees feel as if their talents and abilities are not utilized to their fullest potential. As such, they are not fully engaged in their work. It could be that the work is not challenging or meaningful. It could be our lack of focus on their development. It could be the organization’s culture. It could be our leadership.

We all know that the most productive employees are those that are the most engaged at work. These employees are passionate about the work they do and its purpose. Truth be told, our employees are not too dissimilar from us. Each of us seeks that kind of work. All of us want to wake up excited about the work we do and feel as if we are making a difference. None of us want to be stuck in a dead-end job that causes us stress and anxiety on Sunday night because we are dreading Monday morning.

What We Know

We know that the happiest and most productive employees are those that are doing meaningful work. Work they find motivating and engaging. Work that makes a difference. However, many are working in jobs that are the exact opposite. This is because many leaders do not know their people very well. They do not know what motivates them. They do not know what drives them to get out of bed each morning. They fail to see their employees as people with dreams and aspirations. Every employee has a desire to succeed. Sometimes, they just need a little help realizing their full potential.

Truth be told, people are the real difference maker in every organization. Any leader that fails to embrace this notion is destined to fail. If a leader does not take care of their employees, how can they expect their employees to take care of the business? Employees are the oxygen that keeps a business alive. If we don't first take care to ensure our people are engaged in meaningful work that they find truly motivating the business will ultimately suffocate from a lack of high-quality oxygen. For a business, this life-giving compound comes in the form of great people.

What Do We Do?

While employees need to advocate for themselves, every leader must make it their mission to ensure that all employees are placed in jobs that best fit their skills and abilities. Leaders must also know each employee’s future aspirations. A path for continuous growth and development must be created for each employee, which includes clear expectations for moving upward and onward.

To ensure that employees are set up for success from the start leaders are encouraged to do the following:

  • benchmark the job before hiring so you know the requirements of the job and the type of person you need for the position you are hiring

  • place the employee into a role that is aligned to who they are as a person

  • align the job to the employee's skill set

  • train and develop the employee properly

  • provide opportunities for more challenging work and advancement

  • let the employee prove to you that they can or cannot take on more responsibility

  • involve the employee in decision making about the work they do

  • provide regular feedback (an annual review is not regular)

  • allow opportunities for the employee to give feedback

  • give praise and credit when it is warranted (which is probably more often than you currently do)

Take The Time

If we want our people reaching their full potential, we need to make sure they are in the right jobs and doing the right work. Both sound simple. However, both require a well thought system of employee placement and ongoing development. Like a great marriage, a great employer and employee relationship requires that we identify our shared purpose and vision for our future together. Then, we can work together to achieve what otherwise can be very elusive, a great life.

Randy Stepp is a principal with Renaissance Leadership Group. RLG is a full-service medical aesthetics business development company driven by Purpose, Passion, Strategy and the goal of helping entrepreneurs realize their vision.

Visit Renaissance Leadership Group at to learn more.


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